Businesses of all sizes will need to undergo migrations and relocations as they grow or to manage and optimise their real estate facility and premises costs. Planning and implementing a major relocation or merger can be a considerable technical and logistical challenge, and user migrations, moves and changes will likewise need ongoing detailed planning to ensure network delivered services and fundamental infrastructure is in place to support the business in transition.

We have huge experience over 15 years with corporate real estate network builds, migrations and closures gained working with Corporate Real Estate for a major City based Investment Bank, and for a US based Private Hospitals Group.

We can advise, plan, design, project manage and test / validate to ensure a  successful transition and completion.

CASE STUDY - a City Investment Bank has been rationalising its London Campus estate over a 4 year period, exercising lease breaks to release buildings which are no longer suited to its strategy for growth, and strategically building out new premises to accommodate specific businesses and service centres.

This has included the following elements for which preliminary feasibility planning, costs, standards based designs, managed implementation commissioning were undertaken for the campus and network infrastructure elements, supporting network delivered services and infrastructure deployments ahead of phased occupation and the extended user migrations and relocation process:

Migration and Relocation Strategy

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Old Apple Farm

The Green, Barrow

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