Welcome to Roman Doric
  Business Network Consultants

Expert and Impartial Advice and Services for optimising and developing your Data Networks to meet the challenges of modern business.

We can provide comprehensive technical design, specification, procurement and implementation services to grow your network, to update your data network infrastructure to accommodate new technologies and business drivers.

We have substantial experience with Corporate Real Estate driven network projects, from major deployments into new HQ premises, facilitating large scale moves and changes, rationalisation and optimisation of multiple premises and planned decommissioning.

We are completely technology and product agnostic and can guide you through best practice deployment and upgrade to meet performance, flexibility, availability, security/encryption, quality of service criteria and facilitate cloud application and infrastructure services services.

Featured Services

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Maximise your existing Technology Capital Investment

Don’t throw away your existing network and start again - we can advise how to adapt what you have to meet your needs with minimal extra capital expenditure.

Tactical Upgrades, Tech Refresh and End of Life planning.

Baseline Documentation and Remediation

Do you know what your network really looks like?

Is the network configured optimally for your needs?

Are there underlying technical issues which are impacting your business?

Migration and Relocation Strategy

Planning and implementing a major relocation or merger can be a logistical challenge - with huge experience with corporate real estate network builds, migrations and closures we can advise, plan, design, project manage and test/validate to ensure a  successful transition and completion.

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Roman Doric Ltd

Old Apple Farm

The Green, Barrow

Bury St Edmunds

IP29 5DT


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